
Maker Team member Gracie of @hellograciemakes is baking up traditional gingerbread with not so traditional ingredients. Her recipe for a felt Gingerbread House Bag will have you tying on your apron and digging into your craft supplies. Keep reading while we heat up the oven.
Get into the Christmas spirit with this fun twist on a classic gingerbread house! This tutorial will show you how to make an adorable and oh so sparkly accessory for your cheerful little ones. They will love tucking sweet holiday treats and toys into their very own gingerbread house bag!
Skill Level: Intermediate
Time: 6 hours
Additional Supplies:
Gingerbread House Pattern (click to download)
1. Print out pattern above. Trace pieces onto felt and cut out. For the front and back of the bag, draw and cut out a 6 ½” x 7 ½” rectangle (front) and a 6 ½” x 10 ¾” rectangle (back.)

2. Genereously glue Gumdrops to centers of Gumdrop Icings. Apply pressure for 15-20 seconds. These will not be sewn, so make sure they are secure. Glue Handle (made from inner Wreath circle) to Door in the same manner.

3. For Window Panes, add a bit of glue to center of each and place on Window in a grid. For Wreath, place on Door with a bit of glue. These items will be sewn around, so keep glue away from the edges.

4. To complete the Door, use one strand of coordinating DMC floss to blanket stitch around outer and inner circle of Wreath. Use six strands of floss to make a little bow, using floss that matches Window. Center bow on Wreath and use one strand of same floss to stitch over it a couple times to secure. To keep floss from fraying, put a small bit of glue on your fingers and rub it onto the ends of bow.

5. Place Door onto Door Icing, centered with bottoms aligned. Whip stitch around the entire door using one strand of coordinating floss. Finally, place the whole door centered on the bottom front of bag. Use one strand of White floss to backstitch around the icing to secure Door to bag.

6. Now for the sweet gumdrops! Center Pink Gumdrop between Door and side edge of bag. Leave a little space between the bottom of Gumdrops and bottom edge of bag for sewing in later steps. Use a pin or clip to keep Gumdrop in place then, with one strand of White floss, backstitch around Gumdrop Icing. Green and Blue Gumdrops go on either side of Pink, slightly overlapping in front. Use the same technique to sew on Green and Blue Gumdrops. If your colored Gumdrops are popping off the icing as you sew, just apply more glue and press until secure.

Repeat with remaining Gumdrops on other side of Door.

7. For the Windows, use one strand of coordinating floss and whip stitch around each Window Pane. Center Windows about ¾” above Gumdrops, leaving room for embroidery. Use six strands of White floss to whip stitch around Window edges to create the look of a candy cane. Repeat with other window.

8. To spice it up a bit more, copy the embroidery design from the pattern onto the felt using a Frixion pen. Copy the exact design or make it your own! Use three strands of White floss for all the embroidery stitches.

For stars, beginning on the outer end of each point, make one stitch ending in the center, repeating all the way around. For swirls, follow lines using a back stitch. For leaf-like designs, use a lazy daisy stitch. Stitch French knots for the dots, wrapping the thread three times.

Use heat (iron or blow dryer) to remove any marks from the Frixion pen.
9. Line up the embellished front and larger rectangle (back/flap.) With both sides lined up, fold the small rectangular Tabs in half and sandwich them between front and back slightly below where the opening will be. Tab should be tucked between the bag layers enough to get sewn in while you sew around the bag. The loop of the Tab should also be big enough to fit the rope used for the strap. Repeat with Tab on opposite side. Once in place, pin securely.

10. Using two strands of coordinating embroidery floss, blanket stitch starting at the bag opening, all the way around to other end of the opening. Finish just above the tab. You do not need to stitch around the flap of the bag.

11. Pull flap over the front of bag. Toward the end of the flap mark the magnet placement. Glue magnet onto Magnet Cover. Center it on the mark, with magnet sandwiched between felt, and use a back stitch to neatly sew around the circle with one strand of coordinating floss.

12. Fold flap down again, marking where magnet hits front of bag. Glue a second magnet onto another Magnet Cover. Place and pin it on the mark on front of bag to double check alignment. Neatly back stitch around the circle. Be sure to glue on the magnets so that they stick together!

13. Finish things off with a snowy roof! Take a row of White Shingles, apply lots of glue to the top 3/4 and place it on outside of the flap. Press to secure. Continue adding Shingles in the same manner, alternating colors. After adding the last White Shingles, whip stitch along top edge with one strand of White thread. This part will bend the most, so stitching will keep it in place while bag is in use.

14. Cut rope to desired length. This may vary depending on the height of who will be wearing it. Loop each end through tabs and knot off an inch or so above the ends to secure.

There's nothing sweeter than giving a gift to someone you love - especially when it's handmade!

Thanks to Gracie for designing and writing this tutorial! You can see more of her work on Instagram @hellograciemakes and on her website. Stay tuned for more tutorials from the Benzie Design Maker Team!