
"Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to make a felt fish, and you keep him busy for an afternoon." That's definitely how the proverb goes and what Maker Team member Gracie of @hellograciemakes is showing us today! This Coastal Wall Hanging is bright and bold and like a breath of fresh, sea air. Follow along with Gracie to make your own coastal decor - we think you'll catch on quickly!
Dive right into this fun and fishy project! This wall hanging is playful and easy to make and will bring that cozy coastal feeling wherever you wish to hang it up.
Skill Level: Beginner
Time: 3 hours
Additional Supplies:
Coastal Pattern (click to download)
1. Download the pattern above and trace Fish onto Marine felt. Cut out. For the Stripes, trace pattern onto freezer paper. Do not worry about being perfect - each stripe should vary slightly in shape to create a more relaxed and playful look. Iron freezer paper to Persimmon felt and cut out. Use a ruler to measure and mark Custard felt for the Base. Cut out.

2. Align Fish (as shown below) in the middle of one felt Base. Lightly glue around edges of each Fish to hold in place.

3. Using three strands of DMC 369, make five staggered stitches on each tail.

4. For top Fish, take two strands of DMC 369 and make vertical running stitches across the body, leaving the head blank. Vary the length of each stitch to create a playful pattern.

5. For second Fish, take one strand of DMC 369 and create different sized flowers using a lazy daisy stitch.

6. For third Fish, use two strands of DMC 369 and make longer horizontal stitches down the body. Stagger some of the lines and leave a few openings. Once you are done creating lines, go back to the openings and add two to three French knots. No need to be too particular, just have fun with it!

7. For fourth Fish, take two strands of DMC 369 and create a grid pattern using a back stitch. Once grid is complete, stitch a French knot in each square.

8. Line up Stripes around edges of Base. Evenly space ten vertical Stripes along top and bottom. Space nine horizontal Stripes along each side. Once in place, glue down each Stripe. Press for a few seconds to ensure they are secure.

9. Cut 18” of twill tape. Fold in half and thread onto a wood bead. I used a piece of thread to pull the twill tape through. Make a knot about 5 ½“ down.

10. Place two Bases right sides facing out and clip in place. Clip twill tape at top center with knot between two Bases.

11. Using two strands of DMC 10, blanket stitch around perimeter of Bases. Continue stitching through twill tape loop. Once you have made it all the way around, tie off thread.

You are finished! Isn't this Coastal Wall Hanging perfect for warmer weather? It's such a great statement piece - and we think it would make a fabulous gift for Father's Day!

Thanks to Gracie for designing and writing this tutorial! You can see more of her work on Instagram @hellograciemakes and on her website. Stay tuned for more tutorials from the Benzie Design Maker Team!