
"Fa la la la la!" We can't stop singing the praises of this delightful Christmas songbook designed by Maker Team member Lucy of @moseycreative. The bold retro features and colors are inspired by the mid-century modern “MidMod” illustration style. Isn't it the bee's knees? Stitch up this festive book cover and spread some holiday spirit by singing with family and friends!
In addition to the holly jolly felt cover is a printable songbook that includes eleven traditional Christmas carols. Although it reflects vintage songbooks, there are added modern functionalities like large-type lyrics and voice-friendly key suggestions. Created by a children’s choir director and music teacher who adores Christmas music - me!
Skill Level: Intermediate (or Ambitious Beginner)
Time: 10+ Hours
Additional Supplies:
Cut Template (click to download)
Music Booklet (click to download)
White Cardstock
1. Pre-wash felt by immersing in hot water and mild soap. Gently squeeze felt into a ball a few times, then rinse until water runs clear. Press with hot iron and lay flat to dry.

2. Print and/or trace Cut Template onto dull side of freezer paper, then iron the shiny side to felt. Cut all pieces. For Book Cover Background, cut a 9 x 15.5" rectangle from Ecru felt.

As an alternative to cutting felt by hand, use an electronic cutting machine and this SVG file.
3. Use the Placement and Book Cover Diagrams as guides to place each color block on the Book Cover Background. Without removing the adhesive backing, place the Sticky Fabri-Solvy on the Book Cover Background with some blue painter's tape. Flip Fabri-Solvy layer up and down as a guide to help arrange color blocks.

4. Use a touch of tacky glue (or pins) to hold each color block in place, then whipstitch each piece with one strand of coordinating thread. Use one strand of thread for all stitching, unless otherwise noted.

5. For Book Cover front, trim along rectangular edge of Fabri-Solvy (using paper scissors), then remove adhesive backing and stick on Book Cover. If you want to make spacing adjustments, you can cut out each element separately. There’s no need to line things up *perfectly* – that's actually an intended part of the MidMod illustration syle!

For Book Cover back, cut out appropriate year/date and stick in the low center.

6. Use Black thread to backstitch linework illustration. Use french knots for small dots on snowflake, bell, trumpet, and ornament. Use satin stitch for drumsticks, music notes, and year on the back.

7. Submerge felt in warm water for 5-10 minutes, then rinse to remove stabilizer. To remove smaller bits of stabilizer, try using the kitchen faucet’s spray nozzle. Press with hot iron and lay flat to dry.

8. Turn over work so the back side is facing up. Fold one piece of blank white card stock in half and center inside Book Cover Background. Fold felt over left and right sides of cardstock to create sleeves, each about 1.75” wide. Clip or pin in place. If felt warped after washing, you may have to trim sleeve edges flush.

9. Use Ecru thread and a blanket stitch to sew outside edges of Book Cover Background and cardstock together. Reinforce sleeve edges with a few extra stitches.

10. Take a new blank sheet of card stock and trim approximately 1/4” from each side. Fold in half and test slipping it into Book Cover sleeves. Trim a bit more to fit, if necessary.
11. Print Music Booklet above on white card stock. Print double-sided to use three sheets total. Fold each printed sheet in half (one at a time) and stack in correct page order. Add trimmed blank sheet to outside of booklet. Open booklet halfway, and clip pages together on either side of the center fold.

12. To saddle stitch the book binding, begin about 1/2” from bottom of booklet and use a running stitch up the center fold. About 1/2” from top, return back down by threading through the same holes, but in the opposite direction to fill in gaps. Knot and tie off outside of book.

13. Slip trimmed blank sheet into Book Cover sleeves to complete your Christmas songbook!

“The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.” – Buddy the Elf

Now it’s time to gather your fellow carolers, sing door-to-door and have a jolly and musical holiday season!