Supplies needed:
2-4 yards of wool blend felt, depending on size of model. We used Magenta.
1 9x12" sheet of black wool blend felt
black rick rac
black 2" elastic
string and marking pen
iron-on adhesive
tacky glue
sharp scissors
sewing machine
Poodle skirts are just big circles made into skirts! In order to purchase the correct amount of 36" wide felt yardage you will first need to determine the diameter of the entire circle (or skirt). To make an accurate sized skirt you may need to face your math fears -but we found some great diagrams that explain how to do this here. Once you find out the right circumference, multiple times two -this is how many yards you will need. If you are making a skirt for a toddler and your circumference is less then 36" you will not need to multiple your number. You would need 1 yard of felt and would follow these instructions as is.
If you are following the detailed instructions of step 3 -instead of folding your felt in half, cut your felt in half and place the two halves on top of each other. And continue to follow instructions.
For those of you who prefer to wing it -here are some quick tips to find how much yardage you will need. Measure from the waist down to the knee -this is the length of the skirt. Double this number and add around 10". This is your diameter. If this number exceeds 36", you will need to double that number for your final yardage number.
Refer to our pink diagram to see how to lay out your felt. For example -if you need 3 yards of felt, cut in half to get two 1 1/2 yard cuts. Place on top of each other. Take your string measured to the length of the radius (radius is half of the diameter) tie to the end of your pencil and use as a makeshift compass to draw the outline of the skirt. Using a sharp scissors cut through both layers of felt at the same time.

Sew the two halves together as shown in our diagram.

To make the poodle we first printed out this poodle and traced it onto Heat n' bond, cut out then ironed it on to the felt. Alternately you can use our freezer paper method and tacky glue to attach. We arranged the ric-rac in a fun pattern and used tacky glue to attach.
For the elastic waist band, measure the models waist and add one inch. Sew together. Pin elastic to the skirt and sew on being careful to stretch the elastic but not the felt. And now you have your finished poodle skirt!