
Welcome to Grown Up Camp Crafts with Benzie Design + Therm O Web! We're sharing fabulous Summer Camp-style tutorials all week, along with the chance to win $25 gift cards from Benzie and Therm O Web. Find the details at the end of this no-sew Felt Patch tutorial designed by Benzie contributor Laura Hopper.
Patches and personalization are all the rage. Bags, jean jackets, backpacks, and basically anything you can stick a patch onto simply look cooler with a custom patch. Do you want a plain bag or one with your name on it in glitter letters? I think we all know what your answer is. When learning about the wide range of adhesive products offered by Therm O Web, one thing jumped out at me immediately - Fabric Fuse PeelnStick Adhesive Sheets. There are so many possibilities with this one product! And out of all the ideas I considered, easy-to-make felt patches were the most versatile and customizable. So grab your supplies and start making some felt patches of your own!
Skill Level: Beginner, no sewing needed
Time: About 15 minutes per letter
Additional Supplies:
Letter Templates (click to download)
Two packages of Fabric Fuse PeelnStick Adhesive Sheets
Ballpoint Pen
Scissors, for paper
Freezer Paper - optional
Small Paint Brush - optional
Supply list includes enough materials to create a complete alphabet.
Tutorial shows Magenta wool blend felt on Gold Glitter felt. Other color combinations are Black wool blend felt on Blush Glitter felt (crafting project bags) and Magenta wool blend felt on Black Glitter felt (personalized toy bag).
1. Print the Template for Regular Felt on sheets of freezer paper. Press sheets onto felt using medium heat. Cut the letters out along template lines using felt scissors.

As an alternative to freezer paper, print template onto cardstock and cut out. Trace letters onto felt using a disappearing ink marking pen.
2. Print the Template for Glitter Felt on cardstock. Cut the letters out along template lines using scissors for paper. Trace letters face down onto back of glitter felt and cut out. To assist with this and help identify glitter felt shapes, a letter key has been added to each letter. When tracing on glitter felt, the side with the letter key will be facing down.

3. At this point, you have a glitter letter and a felt letter that should look like the picture below.

To connect these two letters, apply Tacky Glue to back of regular felt letter. Spread glue evenly over back of each regular felt letter to ensure letter cannot be pulled off accidentally. Spread glue using your fingertips or a small paintbrush, if preferred. Center regular felt on glitter felt and press in place. Any glue that is visible will dry clear.

4. Next, add Fabric Fuse to back of the letter. The adhesive Fabric Fuse is sandwiched between two different papers. One is shorter and feels like wax, and the other is longer and feels more like paper.

5. Using paper templates from Step 2, trace Template for Glitter Felt onto paper side of Fabric Fuse with a ballpoint pen. Templates do not need to be face-down. Cut out shapes using scissors for paper.

6. Remove paper side of the Fabric Fuse and press the sticky side onto the back of the letter using your fingers. Be sure to press firmly, especially along the borders.

7. Repeat Steps 1-6 to make as many letters as you’d like.

8. Press the letters to any surface using firm pressure. Rubbing the letters down using a smooth tool like the back of a spoon can help create a strong seal. Fabric Fuse is an incredibly strong adhesive, so do not place it onto a surface until you are sure of placement as you most likely will not be able to reposition the letters.

And that’s part of the magic of Fabric Fuse by Therm O Web! It is so strong, you’ll never have to worry about these patches falling off. Use the letters to create as many personalized projects as want, like these fun project bags!

I also used similar bags to make personalized pouches for my daughter’s teachers for Teacher Appreciation Week, and I made a toy bag for my daughter’s collection of Bluey toys — it’s very fun to play with using different combinations of glitter felt and wool blend felt!

Thanks to Laura for designing and writing this tutorial! You can follow her on Instagram @sonicstitches or visit her website. Stay tuned for more tutorials!
Follow Benzie Design and Therm O Web on Instagram and comment on the post promoting this tutorial to win a $25 digital gift card to The giveaway comment period will end at 11:59pm PDT on Friday, May 24th. All winners will be announced on the Therm O Web Instagram page on Monday, May 27th. Good luck!