
Welcome to Grown Up Camp Crafts with Benzie Design + Therm O Web! We're sharing fabulous Summer Camp-style tutorials all week, along with the chance to win $25 gift cards from Benzie and Therm O Web. Find the details at the end of this Felt Insect Pinning Board tutorial designed by Benzie contributor Camille Ipsen.
I've got to be honest with you... I don't love bugs. But I am completely enamored with nature and museums and scientific illustrations. When I started experimenting with Therm O Web's foil transfers, I immediately thought of shimmering wings and iridescent shells which led to a (felt) Insect Pinning Board. The rich tones of Benzie's The Cutting Table felt palette are taken to the next level with coordinating foil transfers and the possibilities are infinite! I've definitely caught the foil bug.
Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Time: 5 hours (with drying time)
Additional Supplies:
Insect Assembly Guide and Patterns (click to download)
Fabric Fuse Liquid Adhesive
Deco Foil Transfer Foils - Shades of Aqua
Deco Foil Transfer Foils - Shades of Green
Deco Foil Transfer Foils - Shades of Orange
Deco Foil Transfer Foils - Shades of Gold
Deco Foil Liquid Adhesive
Foam Core Board
Precision Knife
Pinning Board
1. The pinning board is made by covering foam core board with linen fabric. Cut board into at least two 6 x 12" rectangles with a ruler and precision knife.

Foam core comes in a variety of sizes and thicknesses. Cut two or three rectangles depending on thickness of board. This example uses three boards of 3/16" thickness.
2. Stack and glue boards into one thick 6 x 12" rectangle. Press under a book and allow to dry.
3. Cut linen fabric to 10 x 16" rectangle. Place foam board in center.

4. Use tacky glue to wrap and secure fabric around foam core. Do not use any glue on the front of board. Work from back, starting at long edges. Press and pull until edge is secure and front fabric is taut. Move to opposite edge and repeat. When fabric is secured, press under a book and allow to dry.

Felt Insects
5. Download and print Assembly Guide and Patterns above. Use Frixion pen to trace pattern pieces onto felt and cut out.

6. Position and glue Base for each insect onto pinning board with Fabric Fuse Quick Bond Adhesive. Do not add glue to very edge of Base pieces as you will need to insert wires just under the edges in Step 10.

7. To add foil details to insects, apply Deco Foil Liquid Adhesive to individual felt pieces. Use the Assembly Guide as a reference. You can foil as much or as little of the project as you desire.

Deco Foil Liquid Adhesive has a small tip that is great for detail work. It only takes a small amount of pressure for glue to come out. I suggest practicing on a piece of paper or scrap fabric before adding glue to insect pieces. Tweezers are helpful for the very small eyes.
8. Adhesive will appear cloudy when applied. Allow to dry until completely clear (about 1-2 hours) before adding foil. Dry adhesive will remain slightly tacky.

9. While foil adhesive is drying, use Assembly Guide to form floral wire legs and antennae. Cut and shape wire with 3-in-1 wire tool.

10. Use a small dot of glue to attach legs and antennae to each insect just under felt edge. Add glue to end that is tucked under. Set aside to dry.

11. Once foil adhesive is dry, place coordinating foil, color side facing up, on top of adhesive design. To transfer foil, rub foil with finger using medium to firm pressure.

12. Slowly peel foil sheet away from adhesive. Repeat over adhesive design, if necessary, for full coverage.

13. With felt pieces prepared, use Assembly Guide to piece insects together. Do not glue in place until entire insect is assembled, as some pieces overlap. Once assembled, glue in place with Quick Bond Fabric Adhesive. Allow to dry.

14. Finally, "pin down" each insect. To give the effect of a real insect pinning board, place pin through the thorax, slightly to the right of middle line for beetle and yellowjacket and through center of thorax for butterfly.

Your insect pinning board is finished!

Put it out for display and have all your guests buzzing.

Thank you Camille for designing and writing this tutorial! You can follow her on Instagram @notsomodernmillie or visit her website.
Follow Benzie Design and Therm O Web on Instagram and comment on the post promoting this tutorial to win a $25 digital gift card to The giveaway comment period will end at 11:59pm PDT on Friday, May 24th. All winners will be announced on the Therm O Web Instagram page on Monday, May 27th. Good luck!