
The eraser on a pencil is always the first thing to go. We've solved that problem with our giant felt eraser pillow! We based the design on the large 12 x 18" sheet of Bellwether felt in the perfect Pink Pearl ® pink. Wouldn't this make a great back to school or teacher gift? Pair it with our giant pencil pillow and make all the mistakes you want!
Skill Level: Intermediate
Time: 6 hours plus drying time
Additional Supplies:
Eraser Pillow Pattern (click to download)
Sewing Machine
1. Soak Begonia felt in water to preshrink before sewing. Place felt on a flat surface between two clean towels. Gently press to help remove excess water. Allow to dry completely.
2. Print first two pages of pattern above onto Sticky Fabri-Solvy. Cut around perimeter leaving a small border. Cut exactly along middle pattern line to align logo. Press Sticky Fabri-Solvy onto felt like a sticker.

3. Print remaining pages on freezer paper. Cut around perimeter of pattern pieces leaving a small border. Cut exactly along middle pattern line of SIDE and BASE pieces to align. Using an iron set on medium heat, adhere freezer paper to felt by pressing for five seconds.

4. Cut out pattern pieces adhered to freezer paper. Remove paper and set aside.

5. Use two strands of floss to add Pink Pearl logo to felt with Sticky Fabri-Solvy. Logo will only be embroidered on one side of finished eraser. Stitch the script with a reverse chain stitch.

Stitch the dot for the 'I' with a satin stitch.

Stitch the registered trademark logo with a backstitch.

6. Cut around pattern lines of felt with Sticky Fabri-Solvy.

7. Soak embroidered felt in water for about 15 minutes or until Sticky Fabri-Solvy dissolves.

8. Lay out pieces for top and sides of eraser. Be sure to position the sides so they will make a three dimensional parallelogram when sewn together. You may find it helpful to use a Frixion pen to mark which sides will be sewn together, as shown below.

9. Begin sewing SIDES and ENDS together, wrong sides facing out, to form the thickness of eraser. Use a sewing machine with coordinating thread and a 1/4" seam allowance.

The finished strip should look as pictured.

10. Place eraser face right side up. Align sewn strip, right side down, along edge of face. Pin in place around entire perimeter. This is the most difficult part of the project. Take your time and use plenty of pins to hold everything in place. Sew with machine using a 1/4" seeam allowance.

11. Pin eraser BASE to felt strip in the same manner and sew around edge, stopping 2-3" from fully closing. Take your time stitching around the corners!

12. Make small cuts in the seam allowance - without cutting thread - along rounded corners.

13. Turn eraser right side out and use a stuffing tool to insert Polyfil. Take your time with this step! The end result should be firm and even. The best way to achieve this is by using smaller amounts of stuffing and working to keep it smooth as you go.

14. Stitch remaining length closed by hand.