
Cross stitch kits from Benzie Design are made for stitching anytime and anywhere! The "pocket" size makes them finishable projects and easy to fit in your bag for crafting on the go. The original patterns are designed as collections of three and can be stitched individually or as a set.
The following tutorial includes instructions for basic stitching, beading and finishing of our cross stitch kits. These instructions apply to all of the designs. Please read through completely before beginning. Refer to the pattern and summary included with the kit as you stitch.
Skill Level: Intermediate
Cross Stitch Supplies
Perforated Paper (14-count) - The perforated paper canvas is an alternative to evenweave fabrics for cross stitch, beadwork and embroidery. Paper resists tearing but is easily cut with scissors and does not ravel. Great for projects where edges are exposed. Pressing with a warm iron eliminates wrinkles.
Embroidery Floss - The thread or floss used for cross stitch consists of 6 strands. The floss is cut to the desired length and then the strands are separated. Patterns instruct that 3 strands be used for cross stitches, while backstitches and beading use 2 strands.
Cross Stitch Needle - A cross stitch needle has a blunt end and large eye. A #24 Tapestry needle is perfect for stitching on perforated paper.
Beading Needle - A beading needle has a sharp end and smaller eye. A #10 needle accomodates 2 strands of floss and fits through seed beads.
Seed Beads - Glass seed beads 11/0 are uniform in size and ideal for embellishing a finished cross stitch. Seed beads in kits include 2 extra of each color.
Felt - Felt is perfect for gluing to the back of the finished piece to hide any unsightly stitching.

Additional supplies needed:
Embroidery Scissors
Spring Action Scissors
Tacky Glue
Needle Threader - optional
Bakers Twine - optional

Preparing to Stitch
The perforated paper is cut to 3 x 4" which is approximately 42 x 56 squares in size. Please note that paper may be one or two squares less or more in either direction. The pattern has been designed within these dimensions, alotting for a border and a small amount of excess on either side.

You may start at any point, but we recommend starting to stitch from a bottom corner. On the pattern, count the number of squares from the bottom corner of the chart to where you wish to start. Then, from the paper's same bottom corner, find the starting point by counting out the same number of stitches (or squares). Use this same starting/stitching point as your reference throughout the project, in case the perforated paper is one or two squares less or more than the pattern grid.

Reading a Pattern
A cross stitch pattern contains a variety of symbols. The symbols correlate to a specific floss or bead color listed on the pattern summary. Each square on the pattern represents a square on the cross stitch fabric.

Types of Stitches
Cross stitch - Create each stitch using diagonal lines (left to right) then stitch back over the row (right to left), creating Xs. Use 3 strands of floss for cross stitches.
Backstitch - Begin by bringing the needle up through the paper (1) and then back down (2) to make a single stitch. Bring the needle back up a space away from the first stitch (3) and back down through the end of the first stitch (1). Use 2 strands of floss for backstitches.
Bead, at Intersection - Run the needle under 3 or 4 stitches on the backside of the paper to secure the floss. Bring the needle up through the paper at the intersecting point, through the seed bead and then back down on the outside of the bead and through the entry hole. Use 2 strands of coordinating floss (or the assigned floss color on the pattern) for attaching beads.
Bead, over Square - Run the needle under 3 or 4 stitches on the backside of the paper to secure the floss. Bring the needle up through the paper at the bottom left corner (1) of the square, through the seed bead and then down through the upper right corner (2) of the square. Use 2 strands of coordinating floss (or the assigned floss color on the pattern) for attaching beads.
Stitching the Design
Begin project with cross stitching. Leave a long enough tail on the back side so you can hold it in place while the first few stitches are worked over it. This secures the floss. Do not tie a knot in floss. To end stitching, run the needle under 4 or 5 stitches on the backside of the paper to secure the floss. Cut floss close to the paper so there will not be loose strands that could get caught up in other stitches.
Avoid connecting stitches that span outside of the pattern design. The finished project will be trimmed down to a small outer border and you do not want any floss clipped.
After cross stitching is complete, proceed with backstitching. Secure floss in the same manner as with cross stitching.
The final element of stitching is to add the beads to the project. Some beads are sewn with a matching floss while others are sewn with a floss that matches the background stitching. Check pattern to ensure proper floss is used. Secure floss in the same manner as with cross stitching.
Finishing the Design
Once cross stitching, backstitching and beading are finished, cut paper around outside of design leaving a 1 to 2 square border. Spring action scissors work well for this task. Areas within a small space do not need to be trimmed. Check the back frequently while trimming to avoid clipping any floss.
Flip over trimmed design and add glue to the back, right up to the edges. Place finished design on coordinating felt. Place a clean towel or additional felt on top of the design and press with a book until completely dry.
After the glue has dried, use spring action scissors to trim felt that extends past paper.
As an optional step, add a string for hanging just before gluing onto felt back. Be careful not to clip the string when trimming the felt.
Your pocket cross stitch is complete! Add a magnet or pin to the back or hang as an ornament. They also make fabulous gifts - finished or as a kit for your favorite crafter.
Don't get caught without a project. And in time for the holidays... more pocket cross stitch kits are coming soon!